What Is Zephyr?

August 30, 202239104 Views
What Is Zephyr

Here’s the thing among all day traders, nearly 40% day trade for only one month. Within three years, only 13% persist in day trade. After five years, only 7% stay. What does that mean? It’s simple. Trading remains a challenging endeavor that only a few lucky ones manage to cope with in the long run. Does that mean newly-minted crypto traders are doomed? Heck, no!

Zephyr is a new stack for a radically profitable prediction market with 30% more success odds to win in a manipulation-resistant environment.

The platform bases its radical approach on a fundamentally reciprocating thesis – presenting only the finest crypto markets and virgin synthetic trading principles, resulting in great yield for Zephyr adopters and ultimately sound returns for stakers.

Idea Futures Platform

Platform core features

Zephyr is a thriving ecosystem for creating crypto forecasts – meaning to say synthetic trading. Here people bet on crypto price shifts in the hopes of financial yield. No need to go the vole to buy shady coins or pay huge gas fees for the top 10 most profitable ones. The platform enables netizens to profit from coins' price runups, utilizing inclusive market data.

Zephyr also espouses the “predicting as a gaming” doctrine, rewarding the pains of crypto enthusiasts with gamified achievement perks and enabling them to run the following novel functionalities:

  • Guessing Space. One no longer needs to risk buying coins or paying gas fees. With Zephyr, users have 30% more chances to profit than in classic trading. Also, a user can make up to x10 profit within 2 days.
  • Versatile Market Sentiment Analytics: Wisdom of Crowd data & KOLs Sentiment (Opinion) Screening.
  • Copy Guessing/Trading: Invest or follow your guessing MVP.
  • Zephyr Earn: DeFi-related staking and liquidity providing programs, Personal Performance Gamification.

You assemble a forecast portfolio based on your expertise or seeds of crypto signals and yield if you are right. Give due weight to own knowledge, utilize crypto signals, AI price predictions, or KOLs opinions and bet on price futures.

Dominant idea

Even the trying times of economic uncertainty deriving from the pandemic resulted in millions of people looking for alternative investment tools. Since March 2020, the global crypto market has skyrocketed by 900%. By extension of this point, crypto daily trading volume reached a peak of $500 billion in May 2021 and stabilized at an average of $120 billion per day.

Decentralized Prediction Market (DPM) emergence, has also given netizens lucrative earning opportunities worldwide. It's an easy task to bet on the expected price of a crypto asset, IDO price surges, NFTs price, or an outcome of an online game tournament.

DPMs are breaking new ground since 2021. The cumulative monthly trading volume of the decentralized prediction market reached $130+ million in July 2021. Nevertheless, DPM is still relatively niche, meaning it has great potential and a huge room for improvement for further projects to come. One of the main reasons is that conventional trading looks like contesting for beginners.

The main idea behind the project was to create a fair and transparent environment where crypto enthusiasts can use radically more profitable synthetic trading tools and a versatile yet unique set of market data. Currently, 80% of all day traders quit within the first two years. Why? Because trading remains a knotty issue for most crypto enthusiasts, no matter the skill level.

Zephyr architects reimagined long-established patterns of classic crypto trading and came bearing value-driven tools for creating profit on crypto price shifts.

How We Differ

Since the year dot, neophytes have to learn the ropes of trading on exchanges while fighting an isolated battle with:

  • Complex trading mechanisms
  • A tough trading glossary
  • Price manipulations
  • Profit uncertainty
  • Whales & early token holders
  • KOLs Manipulation

As a result, being a trader in any market can appear to be too demanding – only about 1% of all day traders are able to fix a profit in the long run.

1% of all day traders are able to fix a profit in the long run

Zephyr frees the hands of fresh crypto believers from fetters of hard-to-grasp classic crypto trading.

Key Issues Zephyr Solutions
Complex trading mechanisms Hassle-free forecasts flow.
A tough trading glossary  Lack of pro-level trading terminology + tooltip balloons.
Price manipulations Zephyr doesn’t offer any odds or price ranges and has zero influence on the settlement price.
Profit uncertainty Zephyr has a clear and mathematically justified model of rewards distribution.
Whales & early token holders The platform eliminates the influence of whales as it offers pools with a differentiated betting system. Big players with large bets compete with others of the same deposit level.
KOLs Manipulation Zephyr holds arbitrage of KOLs and gathers their forecasts to show whether a so-called expert is worth users’ trust.

People on the project advocate for easy synthetic trading flow, hassle-free terminology, seasoning it all with:

Synthetic trading flow

Is It Worthy?

Compete with other users rather than a platform

Profit uncertainty is one of the fundamental drawbacks that can be witnessed while making predictions on “information markets platforms.” It creates quite a buzz in a user’s brain.

Meanwhile, Zephyr has a clear and mathematically justified model of rewards distribution. Furthermore, the size of a Bid doesn’t govern the size of a multiplier during settlement.

Here’s the case story (e.g.):

10 users entered pool ID #777 and created a prediction on BTC. Once a settlement stage comes, the system compares the settlement price with prices offered by users. Next, the radically profitable mechanism of rewards distribution selects 60% of pool participants that forecasted prices as close as possible to the settlement one. Finally, 6 out of 10 participants get from 1x to 2x depending on forecast accuracy.


Zephyr is a gamified way of creating a profit by predicting coins' prices. While betting on future beliefs, you can get up to 2x in each forecast. Average Zephyr adopter makes 5 forecasts o day so far. This approach can bring up to 10x daily, while the upper limit is boundless.  Remember, you don’t compete with a platform, unlike gambling or betting. You compete with other adventurers, just like you.

How It Works

We endeavor to make a profit on crypto price futures by following no-brainer steps to create create a forecast. Here's what you can do:

Step 1. Start Creating a Forecast. Click on the “Add Forecasts” button in the Navigation Bar at the top of the page.

Start Creating a Forecast

Step 2: Choose a Coin. Browse a coin of your interest and click the icon that fits it.

Choose a Coin


Step 2.1: Join a pool that already exists. Draw focus toward a coin of your choice and a pool “Status” to see if it is active for adding Bids. One can find more details on a pool's possible statuses in the "Pool Statuses" section below.

Join a pool that already exists

Step 3. Take a close look at Pool Analytics. Analyze "Liquidity pool" and "Total pool distribution" to see how much funds are already invested in the pool and the total distribution of invested money within the pool.

Take a close look at Pool Analytics

Step 4. Benchmark other users' forecasts in the pool. This way, you can better comprehend how other users estimate a coin price shift.

Benchmark other users' forecasts in the pool

Step 5. Choose between two options (see the image below):

  • Option 1. Press “Add Forecast” - to create your forecasts
  • Option 2. Click “Add Forecast here” - to join the pool you’re checking 
Choose between two options of forecasts

Step 6: Come Up with a Bid. Decide between 2 options of Bids: 5 USDZ and 10 USDZ.

Come Up with a Bid

Step 7: Settle On a Date of a Forecast. Pick a forecast date that is no less than one day later than the current calendar date.

Settle On a Date of a Forecast

Step 8: Add a Coin Forecast Price. Fill up the expected price of a coin in your view.

 Add a Coin Forecast Price

Note that the initial value specified in the field is the coin's current price according to market figures. This data is essentially informative, helping a user predict future price waves.

Step 9: Confirm Transaction. Seal the deal by clicking the "Add Forecast" button to get on the roll with your forecast and make "X gains"!

By creating a Forecast, you enter a particular Pool. Each pool is formed depending on 3 primary variables: Coin, Bid, and Date.

Confirm Transaction

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Continue to the project Wiki to learn more!

Make your prediction

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